nzilbb.labbcat 1.3-0 (2023-07-19)
Minimum LaBB-CAT version 20230224.1731
- getMatches replaces participant.ids and transcript.types parameters with participant.expression and transcript.expression parameters, in line with the underlying API, and allowing more flexibility with queries.
- getMatches parameter aligned is now deprecated, please set anchor.confidence.min = 50 instead
- getMatches parameter anchor.confidence.min now filters out results, instead of just returning NA for offsets below the minumum confidence. To return all results and offsets, regardless of confidence, set anchor.confidence.min = 0.
- processWithPraat's window.offset parameter no longer has a default value, and includes more thorough documentation, to ensure callers are aware of the parameter's implications.
New functions:
- labbcatVersionInfo - gets version information of all components of LaBB-CAT
- Helper functions for formulating the new participant.expression and transcript.expression parameters of getMatches:
- expressionFromIds : expression based on a list of IDs
- expressionFromAttributeValue : expression based on a list of possible attribute values
- expressionFromAttributeValues : expression based on a list of possible attribute values, for attributes that can have multiple values
- expressionFromTranscriptTypes : expression based on a list of possible transcript types
- Manage participant records
- getParticipant : Gets ID and participant attribute values for a single participant.
- saveParticipant : Saves participant data (supports creating and renaming participants).
- deleteParticipant : Deletes a single participant record.
- renameParticipants : Batch rename participants.
nzilbb.labbcat 1.2-0 (2023-02-02)
Minimum LaBB-CAT version 20230202.1600
New functions:
- countMatchingAnnotations and getMatchingAnnotations : Retrieve individual annotations that match a pattern expression.
- formatTranscript: Downloads an entire transcript in a given format - e.g. Praat TextGrid.
- getMediaUrl: Returns the URL for a given transcript.
- getFragmentAnnotations: Returns all tokens in given transcripts on given layers between start/end times.
- getMedia now downloads the media and returns the file name, rather than returning the URL.
- getMatches accepts a string as a pattern, and assumes it's a space-delimited orthography layer search.
- getMatches now has anchor.confidence.min parameter, to allow retrieval of start/end times that have low confidence.
- getMatchLabels and getMatchAlignments now return
rather than empty strings.
- getTranscriptIdsInCorpus, getTranscriptIdsWithParticipant, and *getTranscriptIds now return a character vector whether there are results or not.
- countAnnotations and getAnnotations now has max.ordinal parameter, to allow retrieval of only the first word tag annotations in a transcript.
nzilbb.labbcat 1.1-1 (2022-05-19)
Minimum LaBB-CAT version 20220401.1842
- praatScriptPitch and praatScriptIntensity have additional parameters
- sample.points -
Get value at time
for points spread through the duration of the sample
- interpolation - interpolation to use for
Get value at time
- skip.errors - how to handle errors when Praat can't create objects
nzilbb.labbcat 1.1-0 (2022-04-12)
Minimum LaBB-CAT version 20220401.1842
New functions:
- updateFragment : Upload an uttereance file (e.g. TextGrid) to update labels and/or alignments.
- generateLayer : Generate annotations on a given layer for all transcripts in the corpus.
- generateLayerUtterances : Generate a layer for a given utterances.
- getAnnotatorDescriptor : Get information about an annotator.
- annotatorExt : Retrieve an annotator extension resource.
- Manage annotation layers
- newLayer : Add a new annotation layer.
- saveLayer : Save a new definition for an existing annotation layer.
- deleteLayer : Delete an existing annotation layer.
- Manage Flat Lexicon Tagger lexicons
- uploadLexicon : Upload a lexicon file for the Flat Lexicon Tagger.
- deleteLexicon : Delete a previously uploaded lexicon from the Flat Lexicon Tagger.
- Manage dictionary entries
- addLayerDictionaryEntry
- removeLayerDictionaryEntry
- addDictionaryEntry
- removeDictionaryEntry
nzilbb.labbcat 1.0-1 (2021-07-07)
Minimum LaBB-CAT version 20210601.1528
- All function parameters are now named with instead of camelCase, for internal
and external consistency.
- Re-instate no.progress parameter for
- getAllUtterances
- getMatchAlignments
- getMatchLabels
- getSoundFragments
- newTranscript
- updateTranscript
- processWithPraat
- Break some requests into chunks to avoid timeouts for very large result sets:
- getMatches
- getMatchLabels
- getMatchAlignments
- Introduce include.match.ids parameter for manual matching of prior results if required for
- getMatchLabels
- getMatchAlignments
- Introduce page.length parameter for tuning request sizes on some functions for
- getAnchors
- getAnnotations
- getMatchingTranscriptIds
- getMatches
- getMatchLabels
- getMatchAlignments
- CSV-related bug fixes.
- Improve progress bar handling.
- Improve documentation of matching expression language.
New functions:
- getMatchingParticipantIds: Gets a list of IDs of participants that match a particular pattern.
nzilbb.labbcat 0.7-1 (2021-05-27)
Minimum LaBB-CAT version 20210210.2032
- remove no.progress parameter (progress bar will appear automatically only in interactive mode).
- getMatches now supports overlap.threshold parameter.
New functions:
- newTranscript : Upload a new transcript (with media) to the server.
- updateTranscript : Upload a new version of an existing transcript to the server.
- deleteTranscript : Delete a transcript (and its media) from the server.
- getAllUtterances : Get all utterances of given participants.
- praatScriptFastTrack : Adds support for using the FastTrack Praat plugin for formant analysis.
nzilbb.labbcat 0.6-1 (2020-08-26)
Minimum LaBB-CAT version 20200812.1253
New functions:
- getMatchAlignments : Gets temporal alignments of matches on a given layer.
- getSerializerDescriptors : Returns a list of serializers, which are modules that export
annotation structures as a specific file format.
- getDeserializerDescriptors : Returns a list of deserializers, which are modules that
import transcriptions and annotation structures from a specific file format.
- getUserInfo : Gets information about the current user.
- getSystemAttribute : Gets the value of the given system attribute.
nzilbb.labbcat 0.5-1 (2020-06-13)
Minimum LaBB-CAT version 20200608.1507
New functions:
- getParticipantAttributes : Gets participant attribute values for given participant IDs.
- getTranscriptAttributes : Gets transcript attribute values for given transcript IDs.
- processWithPraat : Process a set of intervals with Praat in order to extract acoustic
measures, including functions for predefined measures:
- praatScriptCentreOfGravity
- praatScriptFormants
- praatScriptIntensity
- praatScriptPitch
- getAnnotationLabels now supports
- retrieval of multiple layers
- labels for next/previous token
nzilbb.labbcat 0.4-1 (2020-01-09)
Minimum LaBB-CAT version 20200108.1025
- Added getMatches function for searching LaBB-CAT
- Improved handling of large lists passed to getAnchors
- Increased default timeout period
nzilbb.labbcat 0.3-1 (2019-10-28)
Minimum LaBB-CAT version 20191022.1827
New functions:
- getFragments : for exporting fragments as Praat TextGrids.
- labbcatTimeout : for specifying the request timeout (for those with slow internet)
- path parameter for the getSoundFragments function